Who Am I ?

Hi there👋🏼..
I am a Robotics Perception guy
Experienced and passionate Roboticist with a demonstrated history in a range of startup robotics industries including multi-view vision systems (2D/3D), on-road self driving, and ADAS strategies automotive industry.
I just love building and debugging robots! My projects involve prototyping robots powered with open-source frameworks like ROS1/2, in the areas of Perception, Mapping - SLAM, testing algorithms on CARLA
I have also been involved with scaling up my Deep Learning models using Nvidia's Deepstream SDK

More about me

Well, having worked with ARM Cortex powered SoCs, Edge devices RPi4, Jetson Nano, Intel's D455 Realsense stereo cameras, I strive for hands-on roles for multi-modal architecture and software design, development, integration, testing, demonstration, and providing a service to clients as R&D team lead as well as an individual developer!

Computer Vision




Arduino and IoT


Deep learning


My Experience

  • Robotics Perception developer @Kritikal Solutions

    (2022 April - 2023 January)

    - I worked here as a lead on projects associated:
    - Built a 360 degree Surround view system for clients in automotive industry
    - ADAS strategies for prototyping, performing R&D to drawing inference from dataset
    - Developed vision pipelines for ; multi-view 3D reconstruction using photogrammetry techniques like SFM (Structure-from-motion), ICP (Iterative Closest Point), voxel grid mapping, camera calibration, stereo matching, multiple-view geometry and point-cloud registration, using Open3D, OpenGL
    - Deployed DL models using Deepstream SDK by Nvidia

    Company- Kritikal Solutions
    Work type- Full-time
    Location- Noida,India

  • Software Developer Intern @IBM India

    (2022 January - 2022 July)

    - My team was offered this internship because we won the IBM Hack Challenge 2021 by building a web portal FindYourBinge pan India! I worked on analytics and software development on Linux, in the cybersecurity division of IBM - India Software Labs

    Company- IBM
    Work type- Full-time
    Location- Bangalore,India

  • Computer Vision and Robotics Intern @Swift Robotics, London

    (2020 September - 2021 July)

    - Some of my work was working with ROS Melodic : 2D-3D SLAM, navigation, mapping, path planning, robot localization, odometry, with Intel Realsense D455 and RPlidar!
    - Performing Stereovision using OpenCV's StereoSGBM algorithm while creating dense disparity maps from stereo image pairs along with WLS (Weighted Least Squares) filtering

    Company- Swift Robotics
    Work type- Full-time
    Location- London,UK

What can I do for you?

I am a person who can find plenty of ways to solve a Robotics problem. Maybe you'll find something useful in my projects below!

Connect with Me

